Programmatic API
Start by installing PurgeCSS as a dev dependency.
:::: code-group ::: code-group-item NPM
npm install purgecss --save-dev
::: ::: code-group-item YARN
yarn add purgecss --dev
::: ::::
You can now use PurgeCSS inside a JavaScript file.
In the following examples, the options passed to PurgeCSS are the same as the ones here. The result purgecssResult
is an array of an object containing the name of the files with the purged CSS.
ES Module Import Syntax
import { PurgeCSS } from 'purgecss'
const purgeCSSResult = await new PurgeCSS().purge({
content: ['**/*.html'],
css: ['**/*.css']
CommonJS Syntax
const { PurgeCSS } = require('purgecss')
const purgeCSSResult = await new PurgeCSS().purge({
content: ['**/*.html'],
css: ['**/*.css']
The format of purgeCSSResult is
file: 'main.css',
css: '/* purged css for main.css */'
file: 'animate.css',
css: '/* purged css for animate.css */'
The type of the result is
interface ResultPurge {
css: string;
file?: string;
rejected?: string[];
rejectedCss?: string;